Why Counselling?
Life has it’s ups and downs, and sometimes it can be a real challenge. There are times for many of us when managing these challenges on our own feels like too much to handle.
If you are experiencing difficulties in your life, or in your relationship, and feel you need to talk to someone, counselling can be very helpful. Psychotherapeutic counselling is primarily a ‘talking therapy’ which aims to help people deal with emotional problems and life stresses. The goal of therapy is to help us as individuals understand our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours and to develop skills towards managing our lives in more satisfying ways. Sharing troubles with a compassionate, respectful, professionally trained person – who listens in complete confidence – can help us to find new meaning in our life.
For couples, gaining more understanding of the patterns of beliefs, thoughts and behaviours that may be playing out in your relationship, can be a real help to transform a struggling relationship into a mutually fulfilling and supportive one.